Monday, December 9, 2013

I'm getting used to you & I could never get used to living without you...

So Jose peed in the toilet while I was in the restroom at the same time.

We were home alone and I was doing my make up in the bathroom since I was running all late for our dinner plans. He asks if he can take a pee, so I said sure and was just about to exit the restroom to let him in when he says "No it's okay. I'll just come inside." I kinda stuttered and stammered, said "Sure!" and went back to my make up. And while I'm doing my eyeliner at the mirror, he's taking a pee just a few feet away.

This is a good sign, right? It oddly means he's used to me and comfortable. Lord knows, we've farted enough in front of each other while asleep or on accident. Whereas before he was embarrassed to pass gas, nowadays he just tells me and backs away. I had to fart really bad on Friday night and he was cheering me on, telling me to let it rip. I refused and let my insides cripple me in pain. Next time, I'm gonna blow ass and not save it for the lonely car ride home. If he can pee right next to me, I can let out a little toot.