Monday, November 11, 2013

It feels good to know you're mine...

Happy 1 Year Anniversary to me and el jefe Jose!!!

We had a great time celebrating our first year together. Two Nine Inch Nails concerts on Thursday and Friday night, then dinner and a movie on Sunday night. I got him a $30 gift certificate to Harbor Freight Tools and he got me a Bad Religion shirt along with an AMC gift card and purple orchids.

I think it's worth mentioning that just days prior to our anniversary, we had out first real argument. And it wasn't even in person and it wasn't even about anything real. We have differing opinions on marijuana. I quit in late January of 2012 and though I don't mind the legalization of pot or people using it for medicine, I do have a problem with people close to me using/selling/acquiring it illegally. I know the State of California has legalized it, to an extent, that doesn't mean I want my boyfriend or my friends smoking it and possibly landing themselves in jail. Jose has stopped smoking marijuana for a long time now, since before I met him, but he remembers weed a lot more fondly than I do. I made a point to say I didn't want him using it and jeopardizing his life, whereas he felt I was telling him what he can and cannot do. He felt I was talking to him like he was a little kid. I would post the text conversation but it went on for hours and carried on to the next day while we waited in line to see NIN at Jimmy Kimmel. I asked him why did he come to the concert with me if he was not going to talk to me, to which he asked quite coldly: "Should I NOT have come?" It was a tone he had never spoken to me in. 

I thought the fight was over because it had stopped on text but he was still mad at me and wouldn't talk to me in person. I finally broke down and apologized, though to this day I honestly don't know what I did wrong exactly. He told me he felt I was belittling his argument and throwing out all he had to say. Not sure how I did that, so I apologized again. He was quiet for a bit and then started talking to me again. He went back to laughing and reached out to hug me. By the time Trent Reznor took the stage at around 8 pm, Jose was holding me from behind and singing along to our favorite NIN songs. He was his happy self and was back to giving me kisses. Is it bad I capitulated? I don't know. I feel as though this issue isn't something to go to war over. Nothing concrete has even happened, we just have different points of view on the issue. It doesn't matter enough to me to drag it out. 

I thought this would ruin our anniversary weekend but it didn't even leave a mark. We still talked about moving in together and how awesome the future looks. He remarked this was the longest relationship he has even been in. I said it was the most loving and happiest relationship for me. I love this kid so much. If in a little over 365 days together, we only bicker like twice....then I'm okay with that. It's a recipe for an overall happy and healthy life.

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