Monday, January 30, 2012

What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way..


Imagine I am throwing my arms up into the air. I completely and totally feel like giving up right now. I cannot seem to get this to work.

The night before Mike's birthday party, I posted an inane status update that for some reason or another, motivated Ryan enough to "like." I must have stared at this for hours:

My mom updates me on the exploits of the neighborhood cats as if it were a Spanish telenovela I was missing out on.

So good sign? He's coming? Can I reap my benefits from our skewed friendship?

Next morning, I see we're both online and posting 80s music suggestion for Mike's party. I can't resist. I don't want to twist in the wind.

Me: you going to mike's party tonite?
Ryan: i might. but im on a sick budget. my check for this week sucks because of the slashed hours. i have to live like the dalai llama.

I said nothing and continued on my way.

Saturday night FINALLY COMES...I am pacing myself with some whiskey and Coke at Mike's birthday party. I don't want to be too smashed too soon, in case Ryan does slink in.

8 pm. Nothing. 9 pm. Nothing. 10 pm. Oh fuck, really?

Me: Hey Dalai Lama, are u coming? You don't have to spend any cash...plenty of food and drinks...and Mike is getting drunker by the second.
Ryan: I wish. Gotta ration gas. Its that bad this week :(
Me: You shoulda asked me to pick ur ass up. Carpool!!!
Ryan: Damn! I was just sulking in a marijuana haze. Haha.
Me: Hee hee....I can come over later...if u want.
Ryan: Gas mask required.
Me: Is that a yes? I can be there after midnight.
Ryan: I ate chili beans, pizza and bass pale ale haha
Me: Haha...u are so high. I will try u later.
Ryan: I would say come over but I have to be up early.
Me: Boooo...alright. Nite nite.
Ryan: Plus, I was hinting at the fact I have horrible gas right now as well, hence the food and mask references hahahah
Me: I thought u meant gas mask, like copious weed being smoked! And then rattling off food, like I have the munchies haha...

Alright, so that was gross and TMI. Once I knew the deal wouldn't be sealed in Echo Park, I resigned myself to whiskey and weed. I smoked a little and chomped down a chocolate edible. At around midnight, I was starting to set sail. At about 12:35 am, I have no business driving anywhere when lo and behold, a text from our favorite adulterer.

Rob: Hey what up your neighborhood...

I must have cringed, frowned and faked throwing my phone on the ground all at the same time. REALLY??! REALLY!?!? NOW?? YOU FUCKING DECIDE NOW IS A GOOD TIME?!?!

In my THC-infused high, I do my best to reply with all the anger and vitriol brewing inside me....but I can't. I almost want to cry, this is just so stupid. He wants to see me. He's willing to wait and he's given me the name of the bar he's at. But I can't....I can''s unsafe for me to drive as I start to feel my arms and legs go warm. My fingers tremble as I text. And most importantly, he has a girlfriend. She's out of town, yes....but Rob is not mine to have. Even as stoned as I was, I knew the right thing to do. I declined his offer and tried to enjoy the rest of my high but it was no use. I was super bummed as all hell with only my dearest bestie Lauren to comfort me. I go to bed around 3 am in Mike's spare bedroom. I had an epiphany as I brushed my teeth:

"God is preventing you from ruining Rob and Sunny's relationship. You're not supposed to meddle in their affairs. You are not allowed. This is not for you."

The next morning, I'm sober but groggy as hell. Rob texts me around 1 pm. He's asking how I'm feeling. I cut to the chase and tell him to man up. So you wanna see me so bad? Then make it fucking happen tonight. LET'S TEMPT FATE! LET'S DISOBEY GOD!

But no. Again, he has a wealth of excuses. He does paint a pretty picture of what it would be like:

Rob: I wanna go down on you...I want you to orgasm twice even before I'm inside you....

This is not for you, my mind thunders. THIS IS NOT YOURS TO HAVE. THIS IS WRONG!!!

I put it out of my mind...despite how much it hurts. I already know this song and dance. He's taken me down this road before and I keep falling for it. Get behind me Satan. Get out of my way.

So I give up. I give up. I am only just a plan B for these idiots. I'm just trash they crumple up and thrown away. And I am sick of it. SICK OF IT.

Ryan, welcome to the graveyard of lost causes. You were supposed to be different. But you're so fucking "id" and flaky that it's impossible to get you to change. I give up.

Rob, there's a reason you're in the graveyard. You're evil and you suck. Goodbye.

Time to carve a new niche.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

If only tonight we could fall in a deathless spell...

I've been trying to keep my distance from Ryan, in hopes that I won't jinx him coming to Mike's party on Saturday. I have an irrational fear that me reminding him about the party will trigger him not wanting to come. God forbid he indulge me and actually show up. He needs to finish what he started oh so many moons ago. I need Saturday to be a good night.

He and I have chatted on and off via Facebook. About a week ago, I caught up with him on a lonely Friday night and had the best two hour conversation ever. I've saved some of the highlights. Why? Because I'm crazy. I thought we knew this.

Me: you're the only straight man i know who owns up to liking the Miami Sound Machine.
Ryan: Hehe.... idgaf (I don't give a fuck) :P

So then we started one-upping each other with web links to YouTube music videos. Hijinks ensued.

Ryan: (sends a web link to Simply Red's "Holding Back the Years")
Me: lol!! simply red. Yesssss!!!!
Ryan: This tangent eventually leads to black metal. Haha

Ryan: what about this (sends web link to Double's "The Captain of Her Heart")
Me: omg...i'm laughing in the dark here. god, the 80s had the market on tugging heart strings
Ryan: they had awesome shit

In regards to Martika's "Toy Soldiers"
Ryan: i remember having a weird dream about this song. song playing, dead kids, shot, all over a gym. I was like 10.
Me: that's no way to have a wet dream
Ryan: haha

Me: (web link to Whiteshake's "Is This Love?")
Ryan: yesssssss
Me: slow dance!!! David Coverdale has a lion's mane
Ryan: a good one

Ryan: (Danzig's "Bodies")
Me: DANZIG. now you're just trying to get me turned on
Ryan: you can see titties at the beginning. hah.

Ryan: (Bonnie Riatt's "I Can't Make You Love Me")
Me: LOL. we're all over the map tonight
Ryan: Heh

Ryan: when it comes to sappy, this is my shit right here (Duncan Sheik's "Barely Breathing")
Me: SHUT UP. i was just gonna post that. GET OUTTA MY BRAIN.
Ryan: Haha.

Me: creeping to the edge of the 90s. (Peter Murphy's "Cuts You Up")
Ryan: ..............i havent thought of this song in yeeeeears

I don't understand how a man can have a spirited 2+hour conversation with a gal, find all these same interests and ideas and not think, hey this would be nice to do often and always? I just don't get it.

Anyway, I really really REALLY hope he comes to the party. I've already got an appointment set up with my hair stylist on Saturday, I've been using teeth whitening mouth wash for two weeks now, I'm going to get my nails done tomorrow and I'm still auditioning outfits to wear. If Ryan doesn't come and collect me, I'm just gonna have to throw myself into the arms of some unsuspecting (and probably undeserving) geek. Also, my friends must be sick of me prattling on about Ryan every time the topic of boys come up. I need them to see what the whole fuss is about and that yes he DOES exist. I hope that by Sunday morning, I have good news to report.

In the meantime, I've been trying to distract myself with work, friends and other things. I started flirting with a guy named Abe from the Deftones forums on Facebook. He thinks I'm pretty. Too bad he lives in Texas.

Jay and I started texting again. Of course he's still in love with me. Too bad he lives in New York. I'm sensing a trend here.

But nooooo....old Ryan in Echo Park, a mere 15 minute drive from me, would not even deign to speak to me, unless I go first. Won't even text me, unless I text first. Heavens no!

And finally, it seems everyone's switching to Facebook's Timeline feature. This only increases the new amount of pictures, status updates and additional stalking fodder I needed on friends and family. It also brought me to a weird photo of Ryan in someone's shower, wet and in his underwear. I think it was for a photography homework assignment, the theme of which I don't quite understand. Is that supposed to be blood?!

The funny thing is, I distinctly remember him wearing those same boxer shorts a couple of weeks ago. They didn't stay on him too long (booya!!). Let's hope there's more of this on Saturday and less of me getting stood up like a dickhead.

Friday, January 20, 2012

You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness..

Seriously, what is with the constant dodging of bullets in my love life? Why am I always hiding from Cupid's arrows, hurrying to escape from the (unwelcome) gestures of guys who I am soooo NOT interested? Guys who have virtually nothing to lose and go for broke by asking me out? I hate to sound elitist, but don't they realize I am out of their league? At least I have the common decency to date in the same realm, sometimes even going slightly below. You don't see me unleashing arrows from my quiver, in hopes of ensnaring some doctor or lawyer. (Well, anyone in law school or pre-med is still fair game) -- yeesh.

Case in point: Jorge's stupid friend Adrian, who I spoke maybe two words to last week, friend requested me on FB and then quickly asked if I'd like to go out with him sometime. This is after he Facebook-pissed all over my pictures, remarking how great a smile I have or how "hott" I am. Ughhh...this kid is SO NOT my type. He's a full-fledged stoner, sports a ponytail/mustache, has a kid, is oddly into the Bible and Christianity...and he misspells every other word. Again...ughhhh no. DELETE DELETE DELETE.

Then I've got some cousin of a friend of mine who is obsessed with "poking" me on Facebook. I finally confronted him about it and expressed my annoyance with his passive-aggressive flirting. He claims I'm interesting because I'm "gorgeous & beautiful." Oh please. That's not interesting at all. It's superficial, at best. Tell me something a tad bit more stimulating. This guy lives in Texas and (of course) has a kid. Nope. You're boring. Fatherhood is a huge turn off. NEXT.

Oddly enough: Ray decided to show up on my radar again. You guy remember Ray, right?? Anyway, he strangely decided to stay off my FB radar and text me about stuff he had read on my Facebook. Huh? He worried that I was taking 401K advice from my friends comments (which I wasn't) and then had a chuckle over me trading pictures of hot celebs with Lauren. He concluded his first text volley with: "That is all. Just wanted to ruffle your feathers a bit." I smiled at his concern and convinced him that everything was fine. As for the hot guy pics, I explained that no matter how old we ladies get, we're always caught in school girl crushes...Facebook only seems to highlight that. Ray agreed, claiming that Facebook gives men a "glance inside the complex universe we call the female brain." We both make loose plans to hang out again, but I don't hold my breath. Ray needs to step it up.

No, no....I've got enough on my plate chasing after Ryan. The way into my heart is apparently treating me as lowly as possible. That drives me crazy and then I must have him!!! Here's a conversation we had yesterday morning. I decided to grow some balls and message him on FB, since I saw he was online:

Me: :P
Ryan: I'm going to murder someone right now.
Me: Are u telling me cuz u need help burying a corpse? this just like, hey this is what I'm up to.
Ryan: I'm seriously fuming right now
Me: oh no. Que paso? (Spanish for: what happened?)
Ryan: i fucked up this morning. got a parking ticket. then i go back outside and there is another one on there. 2!
Me: holy shit. really!!! FUCKERS. how much??
Ryan: $136 in the fucking garbage. 68 each. i have to pay these quick. if you have over 5 they tow your car.
Me: ughhhh
Ryan: I'm fucked right now
Me: I'm sorry :(
Ryan: i really don't want to go to the payday loan place. i guess i have to now. i had everything under control too.
Me: i know how stupid that is...i once got a ticket and towed. cost me over 200 bucks in the end. dude, I'm sorry. if there's anything i can do to help
Ryan: no its ok. my dumb ass fault. just needed to scream. i hadnt got a ticket since may! i was doing so good then *bam* raped twice today.
Me: its okay. u can vent. I'm here.
Ryan: I'm gonna pay one today then the other next friday. fuuuuuck. i need that money. fuck these assholes
Me: i know. its ridiculous. listen, i gotta jet. stupid 401K meeting they have to pull me into now.
Ryan: ok
Me: sorry. chat soon. hang in there
Ryan: take care
Me: u too. *big hug*

I hated just leaving him there....but work was calling and I had to tear myself away. A couple of hours later, I checked up on him. Maybe he'd be willing to let me come over and console him...

Me: Are you working today?
Ryan: Sorta. I'm not that mad anymore. I called the city. I only have to pay for 1 ticket.

I decided not to press the issue further and we ended the conversation with him at least laughing. He assured me that it was "all good now!" and I tried my best to put it out of my mind. This hurts so bad. I'm willing to do next to anything to make him happy, to wait on him hand and foot and treat him like a king. But he won't have any of it. I feel like he's just itching to get rid of me. It's just like old Morrissey once said, the more you ignore me....the closer I get. This is now my way of life.

Ryan and I are doomed to meet again. He's already RSVP'd for Lauren's some-times boyfriend Mike's birthday party next Saturday. I hope he doesn't wimp out and not show. I don't wanna hear any lame excuses about work or other parties. Show up, you weenie and finish what you started nearly 3 years ago. Come to Mike's house, drink your liquor, stare at my amazing breasts and take me home. AND FUCK ME. If you'll only let me be your friend with benefits, then give me the fucking benefits I deserve....because plenty of other stupid idiots would trade places with you in a heartbeat!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'll cut your armies down & turn your heart!!!

Busy week, fun way to start the new year...

I get a Facebook post to my timeline (sorry, the jargon on this website is ever evolving and I'm hurrying to catch up) from an old fling of mine. A one Mr. Jorge Velasquez.

I made the ill-fated mistake of hooking up with him during Spring Break 2006 in Rosarito, Mexico in an astounding moment of weakness (my then-boyfriend Paul ditched me to go build houses in Peru...jackass). Jorge was not a very skilled ladies man and I do distinctly remember giving him more than one chance to redeem myself, only to ditch him in the middle of the night on the second try so that I could rush myself to the 24-hour pharmacy for a prescription of the morning after pill. It was on that second and final encounter that I had used him to cheat on my asshole boyfriend Alberto. Poor wasn't entirely his fault. He was just a silly casualty in my destructive phase of late 2006. We patched things up since and have remained friends. He's studying Music Education in New Orleans and was home on winter break.

So yes, I get a post from him:

"Hey [...], I'm in town for the week. Let me know if you got time to chill. Gonna be hittin the dub club Wednesday and art walk Thursday..."

I said I'd be up for either night, he could tell me which one would work best for him to which he replied: "Come down both days.." Ohhh well now, someone's an eager beaver.

We settled on hanging out Monday night instead. It was a strange. As usual, he's off getting high with his loser friends and I have to wrangle him. We drive down the block to get Mexican food at King Taco. We sit, talk, laugh and catch up. I'm happy for him. He's really turned his life around. Despite still being a bit of a pothead, he's finally chasing after his dreams to teach music. We talk a little about relationships. I give him help with his situation (her name is Blair and she's friend-zoning him hard) and he lends some advice to mine (YES. Ryan is a douche-bag...I know!). We end the evening on a nice note and I go home. I loosely make plans to see him later in the week, knowing full well I don't really care to.

As I prepare myself for bed, I get a text from him:

Jorge: Hey, just putting it out there...if you wanna come by late night sometime and release some stress, could be fun ;)

Oh gosh....guess he remembers things a little differently than I do. I humor him by entertaining the idea about coming over the next night....but then Tuesday night comes and he's out in Santa Monica with friends, probably getting high again. I immediately tell him it's okay and I'll see him Thursday. There's NO WAY I'm seeing him Thursday. Haaaah!!

Glad I didn't commit to Tuesday because I would've missed the hour and half conversation I had with Ryan. That's read that correctly. Ryan Fucking Lopez. Just outta nowhere he comes with this:

Ryan: :P
Me: :D I mean...ahem (takes a deep breath).... :P
Ryan: haha
Me: Facebook messages are the new text messages.
Ryan: haha yea. FB messages are old hat to me hhaha. I'm waiting on neural implants
Me: one day Google is gonna be implanted in our brains. I can't wait.
Ryan: haha
Me: so what have u been up to stranger?
Ryan: workin, looking for a part time or just flat out new job. need more $$$
Me: oooh sucks. best of luck
Ryan: we shall see what happens
Me: dont hate me. but i got a raise last week. are u looking for a sugar mama?
Ryan: haha. for me a sugar mama needs 6-7 figures. haha. or just magically give me $800. either/or. hahaha

And on and on we chatted....teasing each other, flirting a little. Finally, I ask if he'd like to go out to dinner sometime and he agrees. It isn't until I mention giving him a blowjob as part of the deal that he suddenly acts all interested. He asks if I wouldn't mind coming over now. I shake my head. NOPE. I say dinner and more would be better suited for the following night. After a second or two of deliberation, he agrees. Come over, 6:30 pm, dinner...and who knows what else? WE BOTH KNOW WHAT ELSE.

Wednesday night comes (eeeeeek!). Before we head out to dinner, I meet his roommate June. She's half white/half Thai. Not bad, kinda pretty but you can tell she's an older woman. Ryan introduces me as his friend and I extend my paw to shake her hand. Friend huh? Ouch.

We settle on Good, a micro-brew and grill in Silver Lake. Food is tasty and the conversation is fun. I love talking to him. I love his easy laugh, how he tilts his head back and you can almost see the back row of his teeth as he laughs out loud. His eyes light up like a little kid's. I also hate/love how he can't keep his eyes off my cleavage. I had to swat his gaze away at least once. We share macaroni and cheese, french fries and talk about everything under the sun. He makes me laugh so much. It's almost infectious how I love making him laugh, too. I'm on cloud 9, sprung so hard.

Back at his place, we try to watch a movie but end up just browsing through Ryan's entire music collection on his laptop instead. It isn't long before I'm stretched out on his bed. Off come the shoes. Ryan climbs on top of me, this fiendish look in his eyes paired with a smile. When he looks at me like that, I am rendered powerless. He's slowing kissing me. We roll around on his bed, feverishly locking lips. He's let his beard grown in now and his hair is a little longer. I let my hands roam at their free will. He does the same and it's not long before he's unhooking my bra as I bury my face in his lap.

Sex with him is always so perfect. So easy. Effortless in the most pleasing way. I always feel like a shivering, quivering, convulsing, virginal school girl. Like I've never been fucked before. Never. Not like this. Ryan has a way all of his own.

I spent a good amount of time working him with my hips. He lays there, eyes closed, just enjoying the ride I'm having on top of him. He reaches up for me, like a blind man. I can see on his face how he responds to every little snap of my hips, every undulating movement, every little squeeze of my vagina. I grind on him, pushing all the way forward so that our faces are aligned. His eyes flutter open and he kisses me. Our mouths crush together, I feel myself melting. I feel warm, then hot. I'm coming as he's moving his mouth to my right breast. He bites at the nipple and I orgasm with urgency. God! GOD! GOD! I almost can't take it and have to slide off. I'm shaking. I lay face down in the blankets and pillows, my body still writhing in the after effects of one helluva orgasm. He had gotten me earlier with his fingers, but this time, I felt it even stronger. I almost want to cry and tell him how great it feels. He doesn't say a word, just slides his dick inside my still reeling pussy. I lay perfectly still on my stomach and muffle my cries into his pillow. He whispers my name in my ear. It sounds so evil. But I like it. He fucks me like that, from behind. I can't see him, all I can feel is his weight on me and his thick, hard cock sliding in and out of me mercilessly. My hair is disheveled, most of it wet from my sweat and tears, all sticking to my face and forehead. He pumps hard into me and the only sound coming out of my throat are pleading sobs. I say his name. I call him baby. I never want it to end. When I finally feel him pull out, I roll over and in a voice that sounds nothing like mine, I choke out: "Did you come?"

He smiles. "Yeah, a little. I'm saving the rest for your mouth."

The kid is a beast. He's the Devil incarnate. We go at it, several times over. I even watch him masturbate. It's just crazy. Insane. We could do this all night if we could.

Finally, we take an extended break and I decide that this is probably the only chance I'll have at speaking my mind. We have "the talk." The whole, "okay where is this going?" talk. A real one.

As expected, he's not interested in a relationship. He says I'm cool and fun to be around. He doesn't want to stop having sex with me and hanging out. So we broker a deal and decide to try just being friends with benefits that occasionally go on dates. I guess that's better than nothing. I tell him that I would like more, that I will always want more. He offers a morsel of hope by telling me that there's a good chance that further down the line, this could turn into something more. He just doesn't know yet. He's more go with the flow, and I'm just so much more "let's figure it out now!" because I don't like wasting my time (sigh) Oh well. At least I can keep him as a sex friend. Better than no friend.

His roommate is silent this time and I get a good night's sleep, wrapped up in Ryan's warm blankets. He makes his chewing noises in the middle of the night. I sleep peacefully.

Morning slowly comes. I catch a glimpse of him sleeping. He looks so adorable. I almost don't want him to wake up, just so I can keep admiring him. I shift around on my side of the bed and stretch. That does it and he starts to open his eyes. I roll away from him but it's too late. He grabs my butt. "Good morning" I murmur as I turn to face him. I rub the sleep from my eyes. He yawns and asks if I would oblige him with a morning b.j. I shrug and go for it, still kinda groggy. It's not long before he's jacking himself off and I'm licking up semen. What a way to start the morning!

I love watching Ryan get ready for work. He looks divine, in a burgundy dress shirt and black dress slacks. He smells amazing. I just want to sit there on the edge of his bed and drink him in. But I know it's time to go. I awkwardly run into his roommate in the bathroom. I wonder if she heard us? Ugh. It's too late now. I gotta go to work!

Outside his gate, we embrace and say goodbye. I hug him so hard and he squeezes back. No plans are made, no promises. We just part ways. I then have to spend the rest of the day, just dreaming about him. I can't wait around forever, just to see if he'll change his mind for me. How determined am I? Or rather, how stupid could I be? Do I dare to chisel away at the ice around his heart and convince him that OF COURSE I'm the girl for him. How could he not want me? But it's stupid to plead your case for girlfriend status when that's not what he wants. Could it really be a losing battle already? (sigh) When did commitment become such a dirty word to guys my age?

Friday, January 6, 2012

So if you're feeling lucky...come & take me home

Uhm, definitely think I have a thing for boys with dark hair, dark eyes....facial hair....sideburns...and chinky eyes.

I've dated like 8 or 10 guys that fit that exact description.

Anyone who looks like these guys....please apply. Alright, to bed. This post was stupid.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Here we are - You want this? - Then come on...

I'm back from my New Year's Eve trip to Las Vegas. I'm a few dollars poorer but no worse for wear.

As I drove through the California/Nevada desert, I found myself staring out the window as The Deftones blasted in my headphones. The desert is so beautiful. I watched it go from bright blue skies over miles of sandy, dry land dotted with withered cactus. Then it was near sunset, where everything reflected the dying embers of the sun. The sky became purple almost. Finally, night fall and you couldn't see anything but the pitch black expanse of the desert land. All you could make out were the stars and the immense mountain tops. It's unreal. Nothing like it. It made for a very reflective time.

Ryan texted me at 5:13 pm. My stomach did a little flip and I smiled in the dark as I checked my phone.

Ryan: Have fun in Las Vergas!!

I laughed. In Spanish, "vergas" means "penis." Ryan doesn't speak a lot of Spanish, but naturally he's well-versed in all the cuss words. I kinda relished the fact that he's checking my Facebook or remembered where I told him I'd be for New Year's. I wait a few minutes before texting back, always conscience of the fact that I don't want to seem too eager or desperate.

Me: I will! I can already feel the hangover. Have fun in Lake Perris. Make sure to see more of me in 2012, handsome. Okay?

Immediately, I regret sending that. But oh well, at least I was direct. I'm sick of playing games. I'm sick of waiting around. I want him.

Ryan: Ok!

My insides feel giddy. I grin in the dark, my cellphone acting as my flashlight in the inky blackness of this this huge desert.

Vegas is Vegas. Too much booze. Us girls, running around like giggly teenagers. Around 2:30 am, the liquor is too much. I have to text Ryan. I miss him...or something. My friends know better than to let me start texting when I've had too many drinks. But I promise not to embarrass myself and let them proofread before I hit send.

Me: shoulda come with us...the last guy that did got a lap dance. You would've gotten three!! HAHA!

(I was referring to Dan. We spent $20 on that lap dance and he didn't even get a boner)

Ryan: Hehe. I will whirlwind all of y'all one day.
Me: The girls say you couldn't handle it...hahaha!
Ryan: They don't know! Hehehe.

He was answering me pretty fast, so I'm sure he was wide awake at some party....probably drunk himself.

The next night is New Year's Eve. We had dinner, get some drinks, wander the Vegas Strip amongst the crowds and then settle in for the countdown.

We run into a pair of boys from St.Louis, Missouri. They're 21 year old cops. The hot one claims his name is "Arab Money." It's not....he's Nizar, and boy is he a heart breaker. Perfect face, nice ass, great body. His friend is named James, and though he's got an average face, he makes up for it by being tall, muscular and tattooed all across his chest. Me and the girls wind up in their room at the Luxor. It was about the most surreal experience ever.

I don't want to get into details, because they're not very sexy. All I care to say is that I made it my mission to let my pals hook up with the hot one. I take the "other one" James. We make out, he shows me his six-pack abs and off come the underwear. His whiskey dick is so severe (I'm talking, a whole bottle of Smirnoff severe) that I end up blowing him for over an hour. He gets so close to coming, but to no avail. We finally just have to lock ourselves in the bathroom so he can fuck me. That does the trick and in 5 minutes, he's blown his load. I pray that he doesn't come inside me, but the semen running down my inner thigh and leg are not at all comforting. Is he holding some in his hand?! I can't tell because the idiot has already jumped in the shower to wash up. I stand there, naked....stupefied. OH GOD. All because the kid couldn't fuck with a condom on. He kept going soft. SWEET JESUS....well, now I've done it.

We awkwardly all get back to our own hotel room. I pee immediately and shower. Lord help me, I don't want to ruin my life. But I'm a 28 year old woman with a bitchin' car who just got a raise. It could be worse.

When I get home, no one is waiting for me. No Ryan. No Alfonso. Dan is long gone. I have nothing. I've never been depressed but suddenly I wish I could express the immense sadness I feel building inside of me. All I do is distract myself with the boy du jour or whatever random hookup slinks my way. I'm better than this. I deserve more. I feel like more.

2012, please be the year I finally get that piece of the puzzle. I want somebody to love. I want that same somebody to love me back. I don't need a boy to crush on. I want a man to be with me. To always be with me. To love me.