So Jose peed in the toilet while I was in the restroom at the same time.
We were home alone and I was doing my make up in the bathroom since I was running all late for our dinner plans. He asks if he can take a pee, so I said sure and was just about to exit the restroom to let him in when he says "No it's okay. I'll just come inside." I kinda stuttered and stammered, said "Sure!" and went back to my make up. And while I'm doing my eyeliner at the mirror, he's taking a pee just a few feet away.
This is a good sign, right? It oddly means he's used to me and comfortable. Lord knows, we've farted enough in front of each other while asleep or on accident. Whereas before he was embarrassed to pass gas, nowadays he just tells me and backs away. I had to fart really bad on Friday night and he was cheering me on, telling me to let it rip. I refused and let my insides cripple me in pain. Next time, I'm gonna blow ass and not save it for the lonely car ride home. If he can pee right next to me, I can let out a little toot.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
The longer that I wait, the more selfish that I get...
You seem like you'd be a good dad..
As we embark on our next year together, I'm pleased to find moments with Jose that remind me how much I love him and reveal experiences that show how much I will continue loving him.
The lovey-dovey nature of the first few months hasn't exactly washed away. It's corny as hell, but every once and a while I have to sit back and stare at him in secret. Is he real? Am I dreaming? I'm amazed at the way my heart keeps growing. I find more room in my heart to love him. It is ever-expanding this heart of mine.
And it's not because of anything he says, but more with what he does. Actions will always speak louder than words.
His second nephew Sean was born last week and we visited the tiny little human in the hospital. Jose's sister Stephanie was shuffling around in her pajamas and fuzzy robe, glowing with motherhood. I felt a little pang of jealousy as Jose's family crowded around her and the baby, all of them in a happy daze that the unwed 18 year old In & Out Burger waitress was on her way to becoming a great mom. I'm 29 and barreling towards 30 in about 2 months and I have no clue if and when I'll ever have children. As I had told Jose, children for me right now are a far-off fantasy. All the children I hope to have live in "someday" land. They're all just wishes I hold deep in my heart and I don't know if I can put a deadline on when I want to have them. So many of my friends have had babies this year or are expecting, and the idea of not being married or living with Jose while we wait to make a human terrifies the shit out of me.
I guess I'm envious at how easy-breezy Stephanie and her boyfriend make it look. While they're okay with "figuring it out" and letting things sort themselves out, I know that's not what I want and I wouldn't settle for anything less than what I truly want. I know what my life plan is...the baby part is just a lot more hazy right now.
They ask me if I want to hold the baby and I get nervous. I let Jose go first, who proudly takes Sean in his arms. Sean doesn't even wake up. He barely even stirs. I watch Jose hold the teeny-tiny baby and my heart swells with joy. Watching him hold that baby reassures me that I've found a good guy. I've found a great partner who will help me *hopefully* become a real mom...maybe I'll finally get over this anxiety and self-doubt...
I find the courage to hold the baby but not before sitting down so I don't get even more nervous about dropping him on the floor. I hold Sean for maybe a minute. My palms are sweaty and I'm anxious. I don't move a muscle. I take a few pictures and hand him back. Jose scoops him up and he holds him for another long while. I wish I could feel that way and have an instant love for the baby. The truth is, I've never really felt like that about anyone's kid (even my own relations) and it worries me that I'll always be that way. It's gotta be different when I finally have kids, right? At least I can count on Jose who continually bests at me at being loving, kind and sensitive. Toddlers, babies and little kids always love Jose and he has a wealth of patience. I see him holding Sean and I know that he'll be a tremendous father someday. Ah, someday someday...
As we drive home from the hospital, I ask Jose if seeing his brand-new nephew made him want to have children of his own. He nods and says it sure does. We've always talked about having kids, what kind of parents we'll be and even what we'd want to name them....but both of us holding a tiny life form, I think, made it seem all too real. Having a baby with Jose seems like the happiest horizon. He tells me I'll be a good mom and I believe him. Now if only I would believe in myself and replace this heavy feeling of inadequacy...
On the flip side, Jose can also be pretty manly and handy with a socket-wrench. He's a bit of a self-taught greasemonkey: he works at Pep Boys and recently resurrected his '88 Civic. I kinda fancy him an amateur mechanic with the knowledge and experience to hopefully work in a legitimate shop someday. He volunteered to change the oil in my car and did an amazing job. I just stood there in awe....hahahah...he's absolutely the manliest boyfriend I've ever had...
Is it bad that I wanted him to kiss me and put his dirty, greasy hands all over me in a fit of passion? I swear, looking at his cute butt all day while he worked on my car made me crazy. And then when he'd get up from under the car for a breath of air, he'd be all sweaty and stuff. I would've had sex with him there in the driveway if the neighbors weren't around hahahha just kidding! I'm just his #1 cheerleader. I look at this kid and I feel blessed. He's the one. We're going to be great teammates in this life of ours.
Monday, November 11, 2013
It feels good to know you're mine...
Happy 1 Year Anniversary to me and el jefe Jose!!!
We had a great time celebrating our first year together. Two Nine Inch Nails concerts on Thursday and Friday night, then dinner and a movie on Sunday night. I got him a $30 gift certificate to Harbor Freight Tools and he got me a Bad Religion shirt along with an AMC gift card and purple orchids.
I think it's worth mentioning that just days prior to our anniversary, we had out first real argument. And it wasn't even in person and it wasn't even about anything real. We have differing opinions on marijuana. I quit in late January of 2012 and though I don't mind the legalization of pot or people using it for medicine, I do have a problem with people close to me using/selling/acquiring it illegally. I know the State of California has legalized it, to an extent, that doesn't mean I want my boyfriend or my friends smoking it and possibly landing themselves in jail. Jose has stopped smoking marijuana for a long time now, since before I met him, but he remembers weed a lot more fondly than I do. I made a point to say I didn't want him using it and jeopardizing his life, whereas he felt I was telling him what he can and cannot do. He felt I was talking to him like he was a little kid. I would post the text conversation but it went on for hours and carried on to the next day while we waited in line to see NIN at Jimmy Kimmel. I asked him why did he come to the concert with me if he was not going to talk to me, to which he asked quite coldly: "Should I NOT have come?" It was a tone he had never spoken to me in.
I thought the fight was over because it had stopped on text but he was still mad at me and wouldn't talk to me in person. I finally broke down and apologized, though to this day I honestly don't know what I did wrong exactly. He told me he felt I was belittling his argument and throwing out all he had to say. Not sure how I did that, so I apologized again. He was quiet for a bit and then started talking to me again. He went back to laughing and reached out to hug me. By the time Trent Reznor took the stage at around 8 pm, Jose was holding me from behind and singing along to our favorite NIN songs. He was his happy self and was back to giving me kisses. Is it bad I capitulated? I don't know. I feel as though this issue isn't something to go to war over. Nothing concrete has even happened, we just have different points of view on the issue. It doesn't matter enough to me to drag it out.
I thought this would ruin our anniversary weekend but it didn't even leave a mark. We still talked about moving in together and how awesome the future looks. He remarked this was the longest relationship he has even been in. I said it was the most loving and happiest relationship for me. I love this kid so much. If in a little over 365 days together, we only bicker like twice....then I'm okay with that. It's a recipe for an overall happy and healthy life.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Home is wherever I'm with you...
Sunday night I was over at Jose's house watching movies. We decided to cuddle on his bed and make spoons. We rarely get time alone to ourselves in an intimate setting, so this was a delightful treat to feel him holding me which inevitably turns into tickle-fights, jokes about farting, digressions from the movie that meander into hilarious conversations about totally unrelated topics from the movie and of course, some kissing and the oxymoron of "light" heavy petting. By the time I check my watch, it's late and I need to go home. The next morning I tell Jose that I really enjoyed snuggling with him on his bed. I also lament the fact that I always have to leave his warm embrace. I remark that one day I won't have to leave...
That launches us into a conversation about moving in together! Ahhhh!! We don't discuss it at length but he tells me he wants to start saving money so we can a place. JOY!!! I think about the money I've set aside for an emergency or something I really want. My heart sinks at the thought of maybe not using that money to fly to Australia and see my pals in January...but my heart quickly soars at the idea of sharing a home with Jose and making him dinner after a long day at work. Ah! The possibilities. I think about the last time I moved in with a guy (ack barf Dan blech!) and then I think about the prospect of moving in with Jose. Things are SO different now. It's like night and day. Whereas before, I could already feel the error in my ways as soon as the ink dried on those lease papers (I was never meant to be ready)....with Jose, I feel an overall sense of peace, happiness and tranquility. It brings me immense satisfaction knowing I can try and make Jose happy each and every day. For him, I would. For him, I would be the best that I could be. Ahhhhh! SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER LIFE HAS FOR US!!! :D
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
This is exactly how it should feel when it's meant to be..
A year ago today I had just rolled up to see the Deftones open their tour for "Koi No Yokan" in Ventura. Knowing my friends were already standing in line, I didn't think much of cutting in line and sneaking in behind a bunch of kids I had never met before. They seem to know my friends already, what was the harm? So I didn't look like a total scum bag, I introduced myself to each and every one of them.
And there he was. Jose. Only I didn't even know his name yet or much less how he would change my life.
We were just two perfect strangers....
When I remember the moment I first laid eyes on him, it all plays out in slow motion. I can see him clear as day smiling back at me as I said "hi" and shook his hand. He was just the cutest thing I had ever seen. I kick myself for not trying to talk to him that day....
We met on a Tuesday. Friend requested by Thursday. On our first date by Saturday. Together officially as a couple exactly a month later.
I'm so glad I took a chance and went on that date. The love I have for this boy is immeasurable. He really is a dream come true.
And there he was. Jose. Only I didn't even know his name yet or much less how he would change my life.
We were just two perfect strangers....
When I remember the moment I first laid eyes on him, it all plays out in slow motion. I can see him clear as day smiling back at me as I said "hi" and shook his hand. He was just the cutest thing I had ever seen. I kick myself for not trying to talk to him that day....
We met on a Tuesday. Friend requested by Thursday. On our first date by Saturday. Together officially as a couple exactly a month later.
I'm so glad I took a chance and went on that date. The love I have for this boy is immeasurable. He really is a dream come true.
I took this picture on the day we met, shortly after we introduced ourselves. I have this vivid memory of him photo-bombing my pictures so he could get my attention. I still have all those pictures saved on my phone. How could I ever forget? :)
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
You & me we're in this together now...
So...uhhhh....I think we had our first disagreement? I don't know what you would call it since it wasn't really like a fight. I think both parties need to be verbal and engaging in a dialogue to call it a fight. Let me explain.
My friend Nancy was throwing a huge Mexican themed birthday/costume party. Jose and I picked out our outfits and were the first ones to arrive in Sylmar, about 40 minutes north from my house. Since Jose wanted to drink I happily agreed to be the designated driver and refrained from drinking the whole night. He brought his own 6 pack of Bohemia beers and had drank two of those before the rest of the guests even showed up. The late summer heat was not helping and instead of drinking more water, Jose was drinking beer like it was running out. Maybe not a good start to the night.
The party got going around 9:30 and by then Jose was well on his way to getting pretty hammered. Two tequila shots and 5 beers later, Jose is starting to dance and tell everyone he's fucked up. Our friends can't help but laugh at him. It's 11 pm and Jose is extremely drunk. He's telling everyone he's "fucked up" and can't sit still. By midnight, he can't even stand without wobbling. I get him to stop drinking. He then becomes unresponsive. When I call his name, he doesn't look up. His eyes are glazed over and he can't close his mouth. He is sweating profusely. I am so worried, I feel like I could cry. I maintain a straight face and mop the sweat off his forehead. I try to get him to drink some water but he only takes a few sips before accidentally dropping the bottle. He is NOT okay. He's acting strange. Jose keeps getting up to dance but he can't focus and he starts veering towards the pool. I freak out because the last thing I need is for him to fall in. My friends try to help and get him to eat something, but he won't listen. I keep pulling him around by the arm so he'll sit down but he jerks away from me and wanders in a daze among the party-goers like he's drugged up or sleep walking. I manage to get him to sit down finally but he bolts away again, stepping on my feet (I'm wearing sandals, ouch!) and smashing me in the right ear (I'm wearing dangly earrings, double ouch!). At that point, I am fed up. "Where are you going??!" I ask him as I try to gain control of his arm. All the other kids at the party laugh at me struggling to get Jose to slow down. Some ask if he's okay. I only mutter that he's fine but "a little drunk." I finally realize he's actually blacked out drunk. Jose has made a bee-line towards the restroom. As we wait for the toilet to become available, I try talking to him in a loud whisper but he's not reacting to my voice. He looks at me but he doesn't focus. He stares at me, as if asleep with his eyes open. His jaw is slightly open. He's sweating heavily. I snap my fingers to get him to wake up but it's no use. I seriously have to fight back tears. This isn't my baby. This isn't my boyfriend. This isn't Jose.
Finally, the bathroom door opens and Jose slowly walks in. He closes the door and is in there a good 20 minutes, not making a sound. After waiting for what feels like an eternity, I decide to knock on the door. "Jose? Are you okay in there?" I ask. No response. Not a single sound. My friend Sandra comes to help and I discover the door was never locked to begin with. I open it and peek inside. Jose is sitting on the toilet with his pants around his ankles and he looks like he's ready to pass out. My blood is boiling. I need to get him the FUCK out of here. "JOSE!" I snap. I get his attention (sort of) and demand that he get up, put his pants and boxers up and wash his hands. We are leaving, NOW! No time to flush the toilet. I don't even want to look. With the aid of my friends, we collect our stuff and go but not before Jose accidentally knocks over an unfinished beer someone left on the patio. It spills all over Nancy's back porch. I mutter, "Sorry" and rush to grab Jose before he gets any closer to the pool or before anyone sees the river of beer he created. I drag him by the arm and tell him to be careful with the steps in the dark. Getting him into my car is yet another struggle. I suddenly realize how much bigger, taller and heavier Jose is than me. It takes forever to get him to sit down, swing his legs into the car and buckle his seat belt. He won't listen and keeps trying to get out of the car. JEEZ! He might as well be an overgrown toddler! I am now practically yelling at him to pay attention and behave. It's so frustrating and worrying that he's not talking. I just hope he doesn't vomit on the drive home, like he's a baby or something. Finally, I get him to settle down and I use my GPS to get the heck outta of Sylmar. The whole drive home, Jose is passed out. He makes a couple of grumbling noises but when I ask him if he's okay, he doesn't answer.
It's not till almost 2 in the morning that we finally arrive at his house in Burbank. I sigh and look over at the passed out Jose who is only now slowly starting to wake up. The trip from my car, up the flight of stairs and to his front door is daunting. I feel like I'm about to climb Mount Everest with a passed out Jose strapped to my back. It takes me over 10 minutes to do what normally only takes like one minute. Buzzing myself into his apartment complex, leading Jose by his arm and climbing up the steps is a total ordeal. I feel like I'm herding a reluctant animal. Once I get to his front door, I fish Jose's keys out of his pocket and struggle to find the right one. Trial and error. I must have tried every single key. What is this kid, a janitor? So many keys. We finally get inside and I plop Jose on his couch since the path to his room is blocked by his sleeping nephew, who Jose almost steps on. Jose passes out and I tell his sister Diana to take care of him. I tell her he's blacked out. I drive home and by the time I finally crawl into my bed, my anger has reached a tipping point. I fire a text message to my comatose boyfriend:
My friend Nancy was throwing a huge Mexican themed birthday/costume party. Jose and I picked out our outfits and were the first ones to arrive in Sylmar, about 40 minutes north from my house. Since Jose wanted to drink I happily agreed to be the designated driver and refrained from drinking the whole night. He brought his own 6 pack of Bohemia beers and had drank two of those before the rest of the guests even showed up. The late summer heat was not helping and instead of drinking more water, Jose was drinking beer like it was running out. Maybe not a good start to the night.
The party got going around 9:30 and by then Jose was well on his way to getting pretty hammered. Two tequila shots and 5 beers later, Jose is starting to dance and tell everyone he's fucked up. Our friends can't help but laugh at him. It's 11 pm and Jose is extremely drunk. He's telling everyone he's "fucked up" and can't sit still. By midnight, he can't even stand without wobbling. I get him to stop drinking. He then becomes unresponsive. When I call his name, he doesn't look up. His eyes are glazed over and he can't close his mouth. He is sweating profusely. I am so worried, I feel like I could cry. I maintain a straight face and mop the sweat off his forehead. I try to get him to drink some water but he only takes a few sips before accidentally dropping the bottle. He is NOT okay. He's acting strange. Jose keeps getting up to dance but he can't focus and he starts veering towards the pool. I freak out because the last thing I need is for him to fall in. My friends try to help and get him to eat something, but he won't listen. I keep pulling him around by the arm so he'll sit down but he jerks away from me and wanders in a daze among the party-goers like he's drugged up or sleep walking. I manage to get him to sit down finally but he bolts away again, stepping on my feet (I'm wearing sandals, ouch!) and smashing me in the right ear (I'm wearing dangly earrings, double ouch!). At that point, I am fed up. "Where are you going??!" I ask him as I try to gain control of his arm. All the other kids at the party laugh at me struggling to get Jose to slow down. Some ask if he's okay. I only mutter that he's fine but "a little drunk." I finally realize he's actually blacked out drunk. Jose has made a bee-line towards the restroom. As we wait for the toilet to become available, I try talking to him in a loud whisper but he's not reacting to my voice. He looks at me but he doesn't focus. He stares at me, as if asleep with his eyes open. His jaw is slightly open. He's sweating heavily. I snap my fingers to get him to wake up but it's no use. I seriously have to fight back tears. This isn't my baby. This isn't my boyfriend. This isn't Jose.
Finally, the bathroom door opens and Jose slowly walks in. He closes the door and is in there a good 20 minutes, not making a sound. After waiting for what feels like an eternity, I decide to knock on the door. "Jose? Are you okay in there?" I ask. No response. Not a single sound. My friend Sandra comes to help and I discover the door was never locked to begin with. I open it and peek inside. Jose is sitting on the toilet with his pants around his ankles and he looks like he's ready to pass out. My blood is boiling. I need to get him the FUCK out of here. "JOSE!" I snap. I get his attention (sort of) and demand that he get up, put his pants and boxers up and wash his hands. We are leaving, NOW! No time to flush the toilet. I don't even want to look. With the aid of my friends, we collect our stuff and go but not before Jose accidentally knocks over an unfinished beer someone left on the patio. It spills all over Nancy's back porch. I mutter, "Sorry" and rush to grab Jose before he gets any closer to the pool or before anyone sees the river of beer he created. I drag him by the arm and tell him to be careful with the steps in the dark. Getting him into my car is yet another struggle. I suddenly realize how much bigger, taller and heavier Jose is than me. It takes forever to get him to sit down, swing his legs into the car and buckle his seat belt. He won't listen and keeps trying to get out of the car. JEEZ! He might as well be an overgrown toddler! I am now practically yelling at him to pay attention and behave. It's so frustrating and worrying that he's not talking. I just hope he doesn't vomit on the drive home, like he's a baby or something. Finally, I get him to settle down and I use my GPS to get the heck outta of Sylmar. The whole drive home, Jose is passed out. He makes a couple of grumbling noises but when I ask him if he's okay, he doesn't answer.
It's not till almost 2 in the morning that we finally arrive at his house in Burbank. I sigh and look over at the passed out Jose who is only now slowly starting to wake up. The trip from my car, up the flight of stairs and to his front door is daunting. I feel like I'm about to climb Mount Everest with a passed out Jose strapped to my back. It takes me over 10 minutes to do what normally only takes like one minute. Buzzing myself into his apartment complex, leading Jose by his arm and climbing up the steps is a total ordeal. I feel like I'm herding a reluctant animal. Once I get to his front door, I fish Jose's keys out of his pocket and struggle to find the right one. Trial and error. I must have tried every single key. What is this kid, a janitor? So many keys. We finally get inside and I plop Jose on his couch since the path to his room is blocked by his sleeping nephew, who Jose almost steps on. Jose passes out and I tell his sister Diana to take care of him. I tell her he's blacked out. I drive home and by the time I finally crawl into my bed, my anger has reached a tipping point. I fire a text message to my comatose boyfriend:
I have never been so upset at him. He called me after we texted and apologized. As soon as I heard his voice on the line, the anger subsided and I was so glad he could talk again. He sounded normal and that made me feel super relieved. I made it very clear to him that I was okay with him being sorry but I was not okay with the situation the previous night. He promised to never drink that much again and apologized for everything that happened and all he put me through. He promised he'd go with me to my friend's baby shower that afternoon and when I saw him show up at my front step, I ran to hug him. "You're alive!" I said and we kissed. I can't stay mad at him. We took a nap together on my bed and we even made time for a little make up sex. Well, more like make up get the idea. Anyway, all the bad stuff of the previous night melted away and we eventually were able to laugh about it. I knew he was sorry and I knew it would never happen again. I believe him. I really do.
He's my heart. I would do anything to take care of him and make sure he's okay. Would I do it again? YES. In a heartbeat....but I don't wanna have to. I know Jose understands that.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Can you promise that to the grave, you'll take my name?
Change of pace, some good times this past weekend. My cousin got married and Jose got to meet my extended family. I was a bridesmaid and Jose helped me take a bunch of pictures when I couldn't get to my camera. He even caught the garter during the wedding reception!! Wonderful, wonderful night. We danced, we drank, we ate and laughed together as a family. Felt great!!
My aunt asked me what kind of flowers I want at my wedding. Hah! We shall see :)
My aunt asked me what kind of flowers I want at my wedding. Hah! We shall see :)
The catch of the night!!!
A while back I caught the bouquet at my other cousin's wedding and I was dating Dan at the time. He was visibly not as thrilled as I was at the thought of getting married. Jose, on the other hand, tripped while diving for the garter. He was excited and when everyone teased him about being the next to get married, he was all smiles. He really is the guy for me. The picture of what my future looks like is getting more clear with every passing day. The focus is sharpening and I see Jose there. I would love to marry him someday. I want to share my whole life with him.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
I can tell you ain't laughed in a while, but I wanna see that crooked smile...
Sorry for the cliff hanger but things have turned around for Jose's mother.
Sounds like all the charges minus one have been dropped. I think she's being fined for the possession of a controlled substance inside the jail. She thankfully will see no jail time, which is a huge relief. The detectives kept her cell phone and of course she'll have this charge on her record for the rest of her life. I was over at Jose's house late last week and ran into his mom. I don't think she was expecting to see me and I caught her by surprise. I just hugged her tight and told her I was glad she was home. She didn't even know what to say. I saw her once more on Monday and she seemed a lot more upbeat. We made polite chit-chat, as we usually do when Jose and I are getting ready to leave for dinner. The next day Jose tells me his mom wants to have a chat with me. I say that's fine, that she's more than welcome to tell me where and when. I know she no longer has a cell phone, so I resolve to leave it up to her on how to contact me. Then last night, Jose tells me his mom has written me a letter and he'll give it to me the next time we hang out. Gulp. I wonder what that's all about? I'm sure she's probably eager to apologize or explain herself.
I really don't think what's inside that letter is going to make me sympathize with her. I am extremely disappointed in how she acted. This whole incident has dealt Jose a crushing blow to his heart. He confessed he can't even trust his own mother. He's worried about money, the future and Lord knows what else. For the first time in our 10 months together, we were sad and frustrated with each other. Even I couldn't cheer him up. It pains me to see him in such distress and knowing that his mom is the cause of all it makes me very upset. All of Jose's savings are gone because of her. Ugh. It just makes me sick to think. Maybe Jose can forgive her right away but I can't. I don't know if I want to read her letter.
There's been a glimmer of hope lately and Jose's received good news. He admitted he was finally happy and things are starting to slowly return to normal. I am doing my best to be supportive and love him every step of the way. We're on the road to what I hope are better times. As Jose said, things will be okay. "No one died. We got our jobs. We have a roof over our heads." He's right and it feels so good to hear him say that. Like I told him, sometimes a girl just wants to hear her man tell her it's all gonna be fine.
Never let 'em see you frown
And if you need a friend to pick you up, I'll be around
And we can ride with the windows down, the music loud
I can tell you ain't laughed in a while, but I wanna see that crooked smile..
Monday, July 22, 2013
Summertime Sadness....
Kiss me hard before you go
Summertime sadness
I just wanted you to know
That, baby, you're the best....
Jose's mom Connie has been arrested. It all looks and sounds unreal. I've had hours to think about this and it still feels like a bad nightmare. The more I try to comprehend it, the more it makes no sense. How is it even possible? She's had zero criminal history. The woman's never even had a traffic ticket. I don't understand. I just keep going in circles inside my own head.
This past weekend was supposed to be wonderful and it really was. Jose and I drove out of the city and visited my friend in San Diego. We got a lovely room overlooking a golf course and it was nice to just hang out with my old college friends again. We had some beers and caught up. It wasn't until Sunday morning that it all went to shit. Jose got a text message and had to make a phone call during brunch. I thought it was just family stuff as he has 5 siblings and there's always some issue. When Jose returned to the table, he looked crestfallen. I could tell something was up. He was even more quiet than usual. I asked if everything was okay and he shook his head. He said he'd tell me later. For the rest of brunch, I had knots in my stomach. When we walked back to my car, he spilled.
His mom had driven up in a rented car to see her boyfriend Matthew who is currently incarcerated at a prison 5 hours north of LA. This has been her routine for a long time. Well, this time something went terribly wrong. She's been accused of trying to sneak in marijuana or some other sort of controlled substance into the prison. The devil is in the details, I'm sure but we found her booking photo online and saw the 4 or 5 charges she's been jailed for. I can't even fucking believe this. It all sounded made up.
Jose, as you can imagine, is taking it very hard. He's trying to figure out how to make bail for his mom and hopefully bring her home. Connie is supposed to be in court today and a judge will set bail I guess? I have no idea. I don't have a frame of mind for this kind of event and don't even understand the process. As Jose did his best not to fall into a spiral of shame, anger, blame and sadness he had one more confession. He needed to be clear with me why this was making him panic for the future.
I'll be honest, and this is why I know I really love him unconditionally, I didn't even flinch. I just accepted it. It's a part of who he was and I guess still is. He told me he continues to take medication for it but now it's just 1 pill before bed. And now I know why he only works part time and still makes good money. He receives social security disability checks from the state, which he gives all to his mom for the rent. He told me that it's embarrassing for him knowing he can't work full time. He assured me he's not scared of working and that's why he has considered getting a second job at a mechanic's shop so he can start a career with cars and not be at a stand still. It will take some planning but he's doing his best to figure it out.
Now I feel even worse for him. I'm worried that this new problem will make him relapse. I'm scared of what I don't know. I'm scared of uncertainty. I'm angry that his family just can't seem to catch a break. First the Stephanie pregnancy thing and now this. All I can do is tell him he has all my support, which he appreciates. Our bond is strong. We love each other. We are in this together. This is my family, too. We will get through this.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
It's been written in the scars on our hearts, we're not broken just bent
As we move towards 8 months of togertherness, things are becoming more real and I'm learning more about Jose. Some of the stuff I'm learning is a little heart-breaking.
First of all, on the day of his little sister Stephanie's high school graduation, Jose's mom decided then and there was the right time to tell him that Steph was nearly 5 months pregnant. I had already known for a few weeks but had been sworn to secrecy by Jose's mom. We were already sitting down in our seats in the auditorium, so there was nowhere for Jose to ask more questions or flip out. He just muttered, "Oh man" and slumped back in his seat. Everyone was clapping and cheering the new graduates on, this was not the time or place to yell or scream. I felt my face burn with embarrassment and I looked at Jose, ready to offer comfort and support but he wouldn't look at me. He looked straight ahead at the back of the chair in front of him and clapped along with the rest of us. He kept a straight face on and acted like nothing was going on during the entire ceremony. It wasn't until Steph had to deliver her speech as the class valedictorian that emotions started to break through. Steph thanked her mom and all her brothers and sisters for supporting her. She gave a special thank-you to Jose for stepping up and being a father figure to all the siblings when they were growing up. I grabbed Jose's hand and held it tight as he started to cry. It was weird, I had never heard him really cry. There were a couple of times where he had been choked up at memorial services for musician Chi Cheng, but this was new. He was openly sobbing as he sat next to me. I squeezed on his right hand with my left; I squeezed three times really fast which is our code for "I Love You." I could feel him shaking and hiccuping, trying to stop himself from crying but he couldn't. Steph was smiling and her little braces gleamed under the auditorium lights. She was so thankful to her big brother Jose. I knew he was crying from happiness and maybe a little because of the uncertainty of the child she was now carrying. Jose squeezed my hand back three times and wiped the tears from his eyes, pushing his glasses away. I kissed him and smiled. This is a good man. This is a great man.
Second revelation came this past Sunday. My family had a barbecue for my nephew, who also graduated high school. All eyes were on Jose and my cousin Carmen asked him when we were going to get married. We both laughed and refused to answer the question directly. We sat around eating good food and talking about everything on the front porch. When we moved to the shadier back porch, we sat on the steps of the back stoop and I played with Jose's watch. I noticed something on the inside of his left arm. A small, C-shaped scar. It's almost unnoticeable but it caught my eye. "How'd you get this one?" I asked, poking at the little scar. He looks away and shrugs, "I cut myself with a knife." I scoff, "Really? Doing what? That's very high up for someone to be cooking. Was it an accident?" He looks over at me a little grimly, "I cut myself on purpose. I had a girlfriend in high school and she broke up with me. So I got sad and tried to get her back by bleeding into a glass vial." I laughed liked an idiot because I thought he was joking. But he wasn't. He goes on to explain that in his heartbroken state, he decided to be weirdly romantic and give this girl his blood. At first pricking his finger didn't work, so he cut his arm and then when that didn't work, he cut his leg and bled into a small glass container your keep paint in for model cars.
"What happened when you gave her the blood? Did she take you back? Did she scream?" I ask, still not believing Jose would ever do something that morbid.
"Nope. She took it, said thanks and that was it."
"Oh" I say.
"Please don't tell anybody about that" he asks quickly.
"No. I won't" and suddenly there's an awkward silence. Jose rescues me
"You know what got me through that? Video games. A lot of Grand Theft Auto!" and then we can both laugh.
We're adding layers and dimensions to our relationship. I've revealed some things to him, as well...but nothing too heavy. I look back on all these past entries and the fucked up shit I've done to guys and what's been done to me and I wonder if I really need to tell Jose all that. It was a part of who I was and shaped who I am today, but how much is too much? I don't know when I'll ever be ready to share my deepest and darkest secrets. The deep dark secrets that lead me to him.
First of all, on the day of his little sister Stephanie's high school graduation, Jose's mom decided then and there was the right time to tell him that Steph was nearly 5 months pregnant. I had already known for a few weeks but had been sworn to secrecy by Jose's mom. We were already sitting down in our seats in the auditorium, so there was nowhere for Jose to ask more questions or flip out. He just muttered, "Oh man" and slumped back in his seat. Everyone was clapping and cheering the new graduates on, this was not the time or place to yell or scream. I felt my face burn with embarrassment and I looked at Jose, ready to offer comfort and support but he wouldn't look at me. He looked straight ahead at the back of the chair in front of him and clapped along with the rest of us. He kept a straight face on and acted like nothing was going on during the entire ceremony. It wasn't until Steph had to deliver her speech as the class valedictorian that emotions started to break through. Steph thanked her mom and all her brothers and sisters for supporting her. She gave a special thank-you to Jose for stepping up and being a father figure to all the siblings when they were growing up. I grabbed Jose's hand and held it tight as he started to cry. It was weird, I had never heard him really cry. There were a couple of times where he had been choked up at memorial services for musician Chi Cheng, but this was new. He was openly sobbing as he sat next to me. I squeezed on his right hand with my left; I squeezed three times really fast which is our code for "I Love You." I could feel him shaking and hiccuping, trying to stop himself from crying but he couldn't. Steph was smiling and her little braces gleamed under the auditorium lights. She was so thankful to her big brother Jose. I knew he was crying from happiness and maybe a little because of the uncertainty of the child she was now carrying. Jose squeezed my hand back three times and wiped the tears from his eyes, pushing his glasses away. I kissed him and smiled. This is a good man. This is a great man.
Second revelation came this past Sunday. My family had a barbecue for my nephew, who also graduated high school. All eyes were on Jose and my cousin Carmen asked him when we were going to get married. We both laughed and refused to answer the question directly. We sat around eating good food and talking about everything on the front porch. When we moved to the shadier back porch, we sat on the steps of the back stoop and I played with Jose's watch. I noticed something on the inside of his left arm. A small, C-shaped scar. It's almost unnoticeable but it caught my eye. "How'd you get this one?" I asked, poking at the little scar. He looks away and shrugs, "I cut myself with a knife." I scoff, "Really? Doing what? That's very high up for someone to be cooking. Was it an accident?" He looks over at me a little grimly, "I cut myself on purpose. I had a girlfriend in high school and she broke up with me. So I got sad and tried to get her back by bleeding into a glass vial." I laughed liked an idiot because I thought he was joking. But he wasn't. He goes on to explain that in his heartbroken state, he decided to be weirdly romantic and give this girl his blood. At first pricking his finger didn't work, so he cut his arm and then when that didn't work, he cut his leg and bled into a small glass container your keep paint in for model cars.
"What happened when you gave her the blood? Did she take you back? Did she scream?" I ask, still not believing Jose would ever do something that morbid.
"Nope. She took it, said thanks and that was it."
"Oh" I say.
"Please don't tell anybody about that" he asks quickly.
"No. I won't" and suddenly there's an awkward silence. Jose rescues me
"You know what got me through that? Video games. A lot of Grand Theft Auto!" and then we can both laugh.
We're adding layers and dimensions to our relationship. I've revealed some things to him, as well...but nothing too heavy. I look back on all these past entries and the fucked up shit I've done to guys and what's been done to me and I wonder if I really need to tell Jose all that. It was a part of who I was and shaped who I am today, but how much is too much? I don't know when I'll ever be ready to share my deepest and darkest secrets. The deep dark secrets that lead me to him.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
One love, two mouths; one love, one house; no shirt, no blouse
Last Sunday was Jose's 28th birthday and the whole entire weekend was meant for him. I even stayed away from LA Kings playoff hockey to celebrate his birthday (well, kind of). Off the top of my head, the weekend went as follows:
* Breakfast at Mimi's Cafe
* Car show in the merciless heat
* The Fast & The Furious 6 (there are now 6 of these things?)
* Jamie Foxx stand-up from like 2003
* Pizza from Stuft's in Whittier
* Drinks at Rainbow Bar (I was DD!)
* Shepherding drunk Jose and his best friend Jonny back to Pico Rivera
* Passing out
* Morning birthday sex in the upstairs master bedroom (3 consecutive Saturdays now!)
* Cake with Jose's siblings and mom (cheesecake from Porto's!)
* The Prophecy on Netflix
* Hooter's in Burbank
* Watching the Kings lose miserably 4-2 against the Blackhawks
* Old re-runs of Dinosaurs on Netflix
Best pictures of the weekend:
So happy for my boy. 28 years young. I wish him nothing but health and happiness. I told him many thanks for being born. I can't repay him for that, hahaha!!!
Oh and shout out to the love nest that is the spare bedroom on the second floor of Jonny's house. It sounds like it's going to be unoccupied until September (originally, we were gonna have to give it up in late July). That's cool. We've been banging in that room on the weekends and it has felt amazing! More practice means more fun. Lots of quality naked time, but more importantly....falling asleep in Jose's arms. His right arm is the perfect pillow! I sleep so soundly, I almost drooled. Waking up to his big brown eyes on Sunday mornings are the best. Cuddles, kisses and warm blankets....perfection.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
& maybe ours is the cause of all mankind: get loved, make more, try to stay alive...
We're approaching seven months of dating and my waking life is still better than my dreams. Everything has flipped around in my love life, and it is wonderful.
"He's the opposite of every guy I've ever dated before...of every boyfriend I've ever had...and that's exactly what I needed.." I tell my girlfriends last night.
"He's the opposite of every guy I've ever dated before...of every boyfriend I've ever had...and that's exactly what I needed.." I tell my girlfriends last night.
I could sit here and type out all these idiosyncrasies about him, all these habits, routines and quirks about him that I have observed these past few months but then I'd just be bragging. I'd be trying to prove to myself or to who's reading what we already know. Jose is a great guy. He's rare and in his rarity, he's ideal. Instead of worrying that I'll scare him off, I just hope that he'll understand my flaws and we can continue to grow together. I feel good about myself. Better than I had in previous years. My future is no longer unknown, dark or muddy. I used to panic that I could never get past certain people in my life, that I could never live without whatever I needed at that moment from that specific person. Instead, my future is regaining focus, it's sharpening rapidly. I can see myself one day becoming a wife and maybe a mother. I no longer worry that love will not find me. I found love in a normal, natural and organic way. I found Jose and instead of feeling like he saved me, I felt like I turned a new page in the crazy book that is to be my life. I didn't "gain" meaning because of him. I just added a new definition to myself. I feel like I am more now. Does that make sense? Well, it makes perfect sense to me :D
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Driving in your car, I never never want to go home...
A few weeks ago, we took a drive to Pasadena and this was the result...
Nothing like the top down on a convertible with all of the California sunshine you could want. Bliss.
Highlights these past couple of months include taking Jose to his very first LA Kings hockey game with his best friend Jonny..
Nothing like the top down on a convertible with all of the California sunshine you could want. Bliss.
Highlights these past couple of months include taking Jose to his very first LA Kings hockey game with his best friend Jonny..
Video game male-bonding with Adam, my best friend's Lauren's boyfriend...
Facebook video chat...
Gnarly toe surgery for his ingrown nail. Yeah, I'm nuts like that...I took a picture after his nasty toe-nail surgery. What the heck have I become?!? Hahah!!
And finally, shaving the patchy neck beard...
We've talked about moving in together, here and there. This makes me a VERY happy girl. Let's see how soon we can pull that off. I would love nothing more than to start my day with him in the morning and then end it by falling asleep in his arms at night. That's bliss times a hundred :D
Thursday, March 14, 2013
I love you more than life....
Nothing to report, other than life continues to be nothing short of spectacular. And I'm not really sure how long this "honeymoon" period is supposed to last. Jose and I have been dating for over 5 months now and my feelings for him don't wane...they don't dissipate....I am so content and so relaxed.
"Five months already? Are you ready to tack on more?" he asks me over dinner. I grin, like I do.
"Yes. Of course. And five more after that and after that...I could do this for years!" I laugh. And I know he does to. He smiles back at me and kisses my cheek.
We were drunk a couple of weekends ago with a large group of our friends. The music was loud and I had to shout near Jose's ear so he could hear me. Everyone else was preoccupied with drinks and ordering more shots. My drunk self sprang into action-mode while Jose was already activated in his sexy, flirty mode where he does nothing but kiss me and pet my hair. I looked him straight in the eye (which is very difficult to do while intoxicated) and asked him if he'd ever want to marry me. Specifically me. Me. The drunk girl standing in front of him at the bar. He looks down at me with the biggest smile on his face and nods vigorously. "Yeah?" I ask dreamily. He nods again. "Do you want to have kids with me, too?" and I get the same response. Drunk me is pretty darn happy. At least we're headed in the right direction.
Obviously, I had to ask him sober the next time the subject was broached, which nowadays is not weird. Tons of our friends are getting engaged, married and having kids.
He says yes. He wants to marry me, someday. He also hopes to have babies with me...someday.
And someday is alright with me. SOMEDAY is a great goal. I can live with that. In fact, I love SOMEDAY. Gives me extreme hope. Gives me a great feeling. Let's shoot for someday. Someday :)
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Now every February, you'll be my Valentine...
Good Valentines Day?
Nah, it was a *great* Valentines Day....
Jose cleaned the guys room and we had some nice alone time since (wonderfully) nobody was home. We ordered a veggie pizza and watched one of my presents, the DVD of Katy Perry's movie "Part of Me." Yeah, she's my guilty pleasure and boy does Jose indulge me :)
I had bought him a Lakers warm up jacket, which he promptly put on before giving me my other present. He learned to play the Beatles "And I Love Her" on the guitar and I got to hear his first performance of it. I never thought my heart could love this much...
I hope with every fiber of my being, that this is the first of many spectacular Valentines...
Nah, it was a *great* Valentines Day....
Jose cleaned the guys room and we had some nice alone time since (wonderfully) nobody was home. We ordered a veggie pizza and watched one of my presents, the DVD of Katy Perry's movie "Part of Me." Yeah, she's my guilty pleasure and boy does Jose indulge me :)
I had bought him a Lakers warm up jacket, which he promptly put on before giving me my other present. He learned to play the Beatles "And I Love Her" on the guitar and I got to hear his first performance of it. I never thought my heart could love this much...
I hope with every fiber of my being, that this is the first of many spectacular Valentines...
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Here I am, there you are..there’s nothing left between us
I can't even find anything else to say. Jose and I don't fight. I don't even worry where's he's been or who he's with. I never feel the need to nag him. He hasn't smothered me or annoyed me with attention. No red flags, no dire warnings. I feel at peace. Like we're laying down, in a boat, floating away from here. We're headed towards some wonderful and unknown destination. I need nothing else but him.
*My car got rear-ended a couple weeks ago and now there's a small crack in my bumper. No big deal.
*Caught the flu and was horribly sick. Meh.
*Social Security went up. Got a $14 decrease in my take-home pay. Whatever.
All my "problems" seem like nothing now that I'm living in this happy love bubble. Everything is positive and anything that might be difficult is seen with new eyes. I can deal with anything. I am stronger now. I am the same gal I was months ago....but better.
Every day feels like the rest of my life.
And that's awesome.
*My car got rear-ended a couple weeks ago and now there's a small crack in my bumper. No big deal.
*Caught the flu and was horribly sick. Meh.
*Social Security went up. Got a $14 decrease in my take-home pay. Whatever.
All my "problems" seem like nothing now that I'm living in this happy love bubble. Everything is positive and anything that might be difficult is seen with new eyes. I can deal with anything. I am stronger now. I am the same gal I was months ago....but better.
Every day feels like the rest of my life.
And that's awesome.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
A love like ours could never die as long as I have you near me
The days are flying by and now we're into the new year....he still makes me feel like I've hit the lottery every single time we're together. Even when we're miles apart, I am content to know that I'm a lucky gal. I'm his girl. And he's my guy. It's sickeningly sweet. I love it, I love it.
For my 29th birthday he got me an electric guitar and I nearly fainted. He's very skilled at the guitar and more than once I had said that it was my biggest regret I had never learned to play given my love for rock music. In typical guy fashion, he saw a problem and set out to fix it. I love my guitar (a Squire 6 string) and we've already started lessons haha! My nails will be cut short for a while and I might get callouses, but I'm determined to learn and make one of my dreams come true.
The card that came with the chocolates and white orchids was precious...I love it, spelling/grammar mistakes and all!
( day I'll be comfortable divulging my name on this blog....I think I'm almost there...)
We took our first overnight road-trip last weekend to San Diego and saw my bestie Caroline. It felt good to get out of the city and just chill out in new surroundings. Jose is an excellent co-pilot and helped refresh my memory on directions. He even fed me French fries while I sped down the highway! We never once got on each other's nerves and his sleeping habits are good. He doesn't snore or kick in his sleep! Hallelujah! :D I wish he would have been as talkative with Caroline as he is with my gal pals back home, but I think he got a little shy and overwhelmed once he heard the two of us chatting away. Most guys would get sullen but not Jose...he was polite and listened, though he did admit to me later that he got lost in conversation and may have nodded off during brunch. Oh well! He was a good sport about the whole thing and had many nice things to say about my SD friends :)
This was also our second time having sex and it was a little less clumsy but still very nervous with some frustrating spots. Like all things, I think we both need to relax and get more practice in. I can't help it, he's just so adorable! I wanna jump his bones every time we've got two seconds alone. I've noticed a pattern: I'm always the first to instigate oral sex or push us towards having sex. He's about the most timid guy I've ever been with. When I'm about ready to start unzipping his jeans, he's just content to kiss the swell of my breast or make out. Last night, I was eager to throw him on my bed after our guitar lesson, but he kept refusing with that bashful look on his face. I'd start kissing him passionately and he'd break away just to tell me he loved me. My heart melts and I get lost in his big dark eyes. "Come on...gimme a hug!" he says and I crumple in his arms. I keep telling myself to calm down and go slow, but old habits die hard. I have the hormones of a 14 year old boy. I WANT TO FUCK HIM ALL THE TIME! Ughhh....that's not a romantic comedy, that's porn, right? Yeesh.
Jose (nearly) mastered John Lennon's "Jealous Guy." He let me finally record it on New Year's Eve. It was his idea to post it on YouTube:
(That's me saying "yay!" at the very end, in case you couldn't guess)
He turned in his application to work at West Tower Communications, a company that specializes in installing cell phone towers. His best friend Jonny works there and he's going to help him get the job. The new job pays very well and there's room to move up. I'm so excited for him and wish him the best of luck. I helped him fill out the app and I learned a lot about Jose's past work history. Very interesting. The more I learn about this boy, the more I love him. Life is so awesome right now. It just continues to make me smile!!
* I love that his Instagram account is nothing but pictures of classic cars or modified Hondas
* I love that he has an accent when he speaks English and an accent when he speaks Spanish
* I love that he plays the guitar effortlessly and is so modest about his abilities
* I love that he mispronounces "pizza" as "pik-za" like a true Spanglish-speaking pocho
* I love that he makes me laugh via text every single day
* I love that he adores his mom so much and that he's won over MY mom :)
* I love that his Corvette is the same color as duct tape
* I love that when he gets drunk, he can't stop saying I'm pretty
* I love that stopped smoking the day we met
* I love that he can't dance
* I love that he kinda has a lisp when he talks, almost unnoticeable but I can tell
* I love that he's not afraid to talk about the future
* I love that he always finds a way to hold my hand, no matter where we are
* I love that he gives me butterflies. I see his name come up on my caller ID and I instantly grin
* I love him and I could go on....but it's time for bed.
For my 29th birthday he got me an electric guitar and I nearly fainted. He's very skilled at the guitar and more than once I had said that it was my biggest regret I had never learned to play given my love for rock music. In typical guy fashion, he saw a problem and set out to fix it. I love my guitar (a Squire 6 string) and we've already started lessons haha! My nails will be cut short for a while and I might get callouses, but I'm determined to learn and make one of my dreams come true.
The card that came with the chocolates and white orchids was precious...I love it, spelling/grammar mistakes and all!
( day I'll be comfortable divulging my name on this blog....I think I'm almost there...)
We took our first overnight road-trip last weekend to San Diego and saw my bestie Caroline. It felt good to get out of the city and just chill out in new surroundings. Jose is an excellent co-pilot and helped refresh my memory on directions. He even fed me French fries while I sped down the highway! We never once got on each other's nerves and his sleeping habits are good. He doesn't snore or kick in his sleep! Hallelujah! :D I wish he would have been as talkative with Caroline as he is with my gal pals back home, but I think he got a little shy and overwhelmed once he heard the two of us chatting away. Most guys would get sullen but not Jose...he was polite and listened, though he did admit to me later that he got lost in conversation and may have nodded off during brunch. Oh well! He was a good sport about the whole thing and had many nice things to say about my SD friends :)
This was also our second time having sex and it was a little less clumsy but still very nervous with some frustrating spots. Like all things, I think we both need to relax and get more practice in. I can't help it, he's just so adorable! I wanna jump his bones every time we've got two seconds alone. I've noticed a pattern: I'm always the first to instigate oral sex or push us towards having sex. He's about the most timid guy I've ever been with. When I'm about ready to start unzipping his jeans, he's just content to kiss the swell of my breast or make out. Last night, I was eager to throw him on my bed after our guitar lesson, but he kept refusing with that bashful look on his face. I'd start kissing him passionately and he'd break away just to tell me he loved me. My heart melts and I get lost in his big dark eyes. "Come on...gimme a hug!" he says and I crumple in his arms. I keep telling myself to calm down and go slow, but old habits die hard. I have the hormones of a 14 year old boy. I WANT TO FUCK HIM ALL THE TIME! Ughhh....that's not a romantic comedy, that's porn, right? Yeesh.
Jose (nearly) mastered John Lennon's "Jealous Guy." He let me finally record it on New Year's Eve. It was his idea to post it on YouTube:
(That's me saying "yay!" at the very end, in case you couldn't guess)
He turned in his application to work at West Tower Communications, a company that specializes in installing cell phone towers. His best friend Jonny works there and he's going to help him get the job. The new job pays very well and there's room to move up. I'm so excited for him and wish him the best of luck. I helped him fill out the app and I learned a lot about Jose's past work history. Very interesting. The more I learn about this boy, the more I love him. Life is so awesome right now. It just continues to make me smile!!
* I love that his Instagram account is nothing but pictures of classic cars or modified Hondas
* I love that he has an accent when he speaks English and an accent when he speaks Spanish
* I love that he plays the guitar effortlessly and is so modest about his abilities
* I love that he mispronounces "pizza" as "pik-za" like a true Spanglish-speaking pocho
* I love that he makes me laugh via text every single day
* I love that he adores his mom so much and that he's won over MY mom :)
* I love that his Corvette is the same color as duct tape
* I love that when he gets drunk, he can't stop saying I'm pretty
* I love that stopped smoking the day we met
* I love that he can't dance
* I love that he kinda has a lisp when he talks, almost unnoticeable but I can tell
* I love that he's not afraid to talk about the future
* I love that he always finds a way to hold my hand, no matter where we are
* I love that he gives me butterflies. I see his name come up on my caller ID and I instantly grin
* I love him and I could go on....but it's time for bed.
2013 is going to be amazing!!!!!!
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